I am a Healer, Psychologist, educator and Sound Therapist with an avid interest in consciousness and transpersonal experiences. Oh and did I mention Astrology?Archives
October 2014
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26/1/2014 Conformity - the enemy of the people! Conformity is the enemy of the people! Nothing could be more true right now. We are faced with governments eroding our human rights and democracy becoming a complete farce (see http://mikesivier.wordpress.com/2014/01/17/death-of-democracy-is-confirmed-as-cameron-ignores-the-will-of-parliament/). In the face of it however, most people sit around complaining and never actually do anything. Why? There is a total belief that it is not worth trying as one or a few people cannot change the world. Yet Margaret Mead the well known and respected American anthropologist declared - “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Unfortunately we buy into the idea that someone else will do it for us. This is neither true on a personal level nor on a social scale. There is no one else who can take your place, no one with your ideas, ideals and potential no matter who you are or what your physical or mental abilities may be. Only you are accountable for your life and what you do or do not do with it. Armchair philosophers abound but theory is not practice and in a world where action is the only measure of success (usually based on a financial scale of comparative wealth) what have you achieved? Those who are most 'comfortable' in financial terms, regardless of their mental capacity to debate and understand, are most easily lulled into a false sense of security. Afterall, if it doesn't affect me directly, why rock the boat? There is also the tremendous fear of stepping outside the acceptable paradigms. Being ostracised, excommunicated, isolated are all quite threatening to the average person. Yet, it is this belief that you cannot be your self in its full glory that stymies progress. It also enables injustice and outright demonisation of those who do not conform. Nazi Germany is a recent example of how such situations snowball into an avalanche of insidious control over a population. With the Pluto~Uranus square tightening again, the push-pull of governance/finance versus the individual is coming yet more sharply into focus. An increasing number of revolutions are breaking out around the globe, many being instigated by the secret services of foreign regimes. It is time to ask yourself; what sort of world do you wish to live in and what type of person do you want to be?
26/1/2014 06:42:19 pm
I have heard the word "sheeple" used. Tends to insult sheep but I can see where it comes from. It is said that in the End Times all structure will de-struct and that is what we are seeing now. Banking, governments, belief systems and the ecosystem of the Planet it's self. Time for deep questioning to find the appropriate questions to ask. It is also said that the "sleeping ones" are the compost from where the green shoots of the new can grow. Interesting.
Thank you Margaret.
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