I am a Healer, Psychologist, educator and Sound Therapist with an avid interest in consciousness and transpersonal experiences. Oh and did I mention Astrology?Archives
October 2014
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31/8/2012 Paralympic Pride With the Paralympics now underway the pride of some amazing individuals is being celebrated and rightly so. They have worked so hard to achieve so much and represent powerful role models to us all, able-bodied and disabled alike.
I am reluctant to say that I do however wonder whether these achievements will be looked upon as an 'excuse' to cut benefits; afterall if these heights can be reached and extreme difficulties surmounted then why can't everyone follow suit? The government will no doubt pump up it's own chest with pride when we win medals but lest it be forgotten most of these individuals have had to find their own funding and resources to get this far. They are also extraordinary in their fighting spirit and never say die attitude which is something that for the vast majority of us does not come naturally at the best of times. So whilst we celebrate the overcoming of overwhelming odds let us also remember those less fortunate for whom such achievements will never be possible! As benefit cuts loom ever larger be very aware of the odds they face just to survive another day.
25/8/2012 EarthriseI very rarely watch the television. Last night however I decided to switch on and surf the channels. Not much changes and I found myself zoning out at the so called choice of mind numbing rubbish available. It was only when I got to Freeview channel 89 and Al Jazeera that I decided it was worth stopping. Well, you could hardly expect me to be loyal to the BBC propagandist machine could you?
I watched a fascinating programme called 'Earthrise' which "explores solutions to today's environmental challenges, taking an upbeat look at ecological, scientific, technological and design projects the world over. Our reporters meet inspiring individuals and communities leading the way in a field few can afford to ignore." (www.aljazeera.com/programmes/earthrise) I have to say this sums it up nicely. Whilst I am aware that there are many local projects taking shape rooted in sustainability and true social community it was refreshing to see some of these in action. The programme focused on Brixton; it's local currency and renewable energy project. Both of these are laudable. Alongside this was a day out with Tristram Stuart and his anti food waste campaign which revealed the shocking statistics of just how much food is destroyed before it gets anywhere near the markets or shops. Useful advice was given and an insight into how local markets are doing their best to address the way in which food resources are deployed. These types of projects are growing and will be further fuelled by the mindless destruction that our profit driven economies are swiftly taking us toward. It is worth enquiring into your own locality and any initiatives taking place there. Please give them your support - you may need to rely on them in future! A friend asked me the above question yesterday. Her inquiry was prompted by the positive influence of the Olympics in generating a sense of world unity and cooperation despite the fact that the games are the most highly competitive sporting event held anywhere. There has been something of a void of good news ever since as the media has picked up where it left off and persists in bombarding us with sabre rattling power politics.
I very much hope the Paralympics are just as vital as the Olympics. Certainly with record sales of tickets it seems that interest is high and the excitement is building. In many ways I believe the Paralympics are far more indicative of hope and determination to make good out of a bad situation and will in that respect signal a great tipping point in consciousness. May we all wake up to the false hope we are being fed and give it the elbow it deserves!!! We have the power to perform miracles. Lets do it!!! The 'cosmic crown' of the Olympic Stadium was very symbolic and as these are events encouraging the people of the world to celebrate together, I believe it magnifies as well as magnetises in individual personal power as an energy for cooperation. Rise up, rise up!!! We have another Uranus / Pluto square coming up on 15th September. I do therefore see this as quite a transitional period which could go either way. Mars now in Scorpio is very focused and strong. It is the energy that in the wrong hands or direction can be so frustrated and angry that it leads to crash and burn or can give the impetus for total resurgence into a more spiritual perspective and way of being. Scorpio doesn't mess about and Mars is the warrior. Mars rules Scorpio alongside Pluto the god of the underworld which, as said, will be squaring up to Uranus the planet of expect the unexpected in unexpected ways and still be surprised! We have individual freedom (a firm desire to individuate) represented by Uranus in Aries up against the determination of stagnant institutions to keep the staus quo whilst feeling their very foundations shake as represented by Pluto in Capricorn. With the Virgo Sun we have the ability to use discretion in order to improve things which can lead to total bitchy, itchy, scratchy criticism or the best opportunity for a down to earth pragmatic reevaluation leading to a renewal and revitalisation of values of true service (in the terms we understand it!) and ethics. The Scorpio Mars will be satisfied with nothing less than outright war on what lies beneath the surface. All in all quite exciting!!! So in answer to the question "A step up for the world... or a moment of reckoning and a reality check?" I think the answer is BOTH! - which you as an individual feel most potently in your own life will depend on which side of the fence you sit... Make sure you are firmly ensconced on the greener grass side and don't buy into the drama of the warring factions as they grasp for every penny of profit they can squeeze out of each situation at your expense! 23/8/2012 August 23rd, 2012Within the last 24 hours there has been a distinct shift in the energy. The Sun has moved into Virgo and Mars has moved into Scorpio. Things are getting more 'serious'.
Virgo is the sign of discretion and purifying. Virgo likes to analyse in order to improve upon things. Being able to synthesise many different ideas it is now the time to get your house/mind in order ready for the push forward. With Mars in Scorpio a single minded sense of purpose and vision will come into focus supported by the energy to do something about it. The month of Virgo is about reaping what we have sown and preparing the harvest which will sustain us through the long winter months to come. It is therefore a good time to review the changes that have occurred in your life so far this year. Take stock of what you have put in place to cope with these changes and also look further into any details that need to be ironed out for the future. The signs are that the energy and focus will be available for a few weeks. This will affect different areas in each individual person's life depending upon your own personal birth details. The air has also changed and is feeling slightly autumnal early in the morning and evening. Although the sun has shone I have felt a definite damp chill in the air and noticed the nights starting to draw in. In general however, I am ever hopeful that we will still get an Indian summer and be able to enjoy a bit more warmth and light heartedness!! 20/8/2012 Sunday by the SeaI could tell the stone
By its tone - Tossed by the waves Upon a ceaselessly Shifting shore It tumbled out a Mystic tune To the beat of The never time drum. 18/8/2012 Gratitude in Abundance There have been a lot of difficult aspects and retrograde planets in the astrology so far this year. 2012 was always deigned to be one of monumental change and resultant frustration for people generally. Last week saw a Mars/Saturn conjunction which had the effect of pressing on the accelerator whilst having your other foot on the break.
Yesterday (Friday) saw a new moon in Leo. The promise of a fresh start linked to creative ideas and innovation. Mercury reaches the point that it was in the heavens several weeks ago before going retrograde so the ground that needed to be reviewed has now been covered. It is time to gain traction and move forward again as we approach the sun's ingress into Virgo the time of reaping what we have sown so far this year. You don't have to understand astrology or believe in it but if you gain a basic grasp of its philosophy and general trends then you do have a useful tool for evaluating the ebb and flow in life. It's something I find particularly useful to have to hand as a generalised pattern recognition processor. Astrology apart we all go through patches of feeling despondent, frustrated and down-right thwarted at times. For everything there is a season and knowing when to sow and when to expect to reap is a natural rhythm of life not just for growing food and crops -although this year one might be forgiven for not believing this as the weather has destroyed many vegetable growers' hopes! One thing that does keep us on track however is gratitude. It has been proven that an attitude of gratitude works wonders in keeping positive. It is life affirming. "Always look on the bright side of life" (Eric Idle) may not be so easy in times of stress and difficulty however, finding something, no matter how small, to be grateful for even in the dross lifts the spirits and can bring about a major positive shift in thoughts, feelings and hence actions. Appreciate the beauty of a flower, a view, the generosity of a friend, the smile of a stranger. Anything can be brought into focus and seen as a gift. Expressing gratitude in times of lack as well as times of abundance is an empowering act. Expressing gratitude in abundant amounts (not cynically or frivolously for the sake of it) every day also brings an abundance of love, hope and faith into one's life. These are not things and so may disappoint in our materialistically focused world. They are however, fundamental support systems in their own right and give us the foundation for a life well lived. enJOY!!!! 10/8/2012 The Shopping List I went to the local supermarket yesterday. The usual thing. Large superstore (not Tesco I boycott them!). Too many choices but not necessarily what you want or need. Being August it was full of screaming children exhibiting and expressing moods and behaviours that all the adults would also love to release with regard to the weekly shop!
The trolley I took had wheels that all worked in tandem. That was a bonus to add to my coupon for 86p off my bill which, when one considers it, I only had due to being 'overcharged' last time. I noticed an old shopping list in the bottom of the trolley on a faded yellow post it note. I chose to ignore it until... As I emptied my shopping into the car a sudden gust of wind lifted the small piece of paper from the trolley and placed it delicately upon my last bag of goods. I felt compelled to look at it and was intreagued. Vodka Wine - white Bacardi 2 x nightdresses Knickers Note book Sauce Muscles As a tee-total pyjama wearer I felt highly amused and indeed began to muse upon the possible reasons behind this list of purchases. I felt a story coming on but perhaps I should leave that to your own imagination! What I really wondered about was what sort of impression do we each leave upon the environment as we go about our day to day? We all exude an energetic signature like a faint trace of scent. This occurs not just in the form of physical messages such as shopping lists or contact like a hug. It goes far deeper than this. Our moods and states of mind do not stay within our heads but can be picked up by those around us whether we are present or have just passed by. So what energetic fingerprint did you imprint upon the people and places with whom and which you have interacted today? Did you leave bitterness, remorse or anger or are there still memories of fondness, love and affection? An atmosphere is potent and can be contracted faster than the common cold. What you pick up may not be be something on your shopping list but you are likely to find yourself buying into it and taking it home with you. Be mindful of the effect the environment has on you and in turn be careful what you spread! 9/8/2012 ContemplationA deep breath.
The chill air pierced my lungs, I shook and felt the earth move from under me. All was as it should be But I was in a different realm, Far from the place of fear. In contemplation All was still, My heart, my mind, my soul. I reached out and felt the velvety silence, As an embrace I drew it in. Soft, electric violet light Enwrapped. It held me dear. 8/8/2012 What on Earth? It's been very interesting talking to people recently. I am not sure a single one knows where they are in their lives right now. It is as if a massive underground shift is taking place and the conscious awareness of this is that we are all waking up every morning and wondering "What on earth am I doing here?"
In part this is because the landscape is literally changing before our eyes. You only have to go to your local high street to see the closures and boarding over of shops that have been well established for years. For many individuals the changes are manifesting as a volvanic eruption as jobs go and relationships break up. For others it's more like feeling the tremours of an earthquake and feeling a certain nervousness about where to place one's next step as the ground could quite simply give way beneath your feet whilst those previously firm walls around you now appear to be no more secure than a house of cards. Having gone through so many changes in my life, I now tend to be more anxious when things remain the same for a while! This does not mean I am complacent about change but I am able to distance myself to some extent. I feel that no matter what I have been through in the past, I did survive, somehow! In fact I often think I must be made of rubber as I seem to bounce back and just have to learn to live within a different environment. That of course is easier said than done. I know. Often it takes years to readjust and to gain a sure footing again. The best way to gain that foothold is to only listen to positive people who have your best interests at heart. I don't mean those who jump in with advice thinking they know best when actually all they are doing is feeding you their own fears. I mean people who really listen, acknowledge your anxieties and can empathise with you. They don't necessarily have answers because the how and wherefore is different for everyone but they are able to support you through validating your experiences and giving you hope. This in itself opens your mind to new possibilites and thence to new experiences. So next time you ask "What on earth am I doing here?" check with the people who really care about you not with those who are happy to bring you down! 4/8/2012 Sacred spaceI have a 'talent' for creating sacred spaces for people.
As a Healer this is part of who I am. I listen. I hold the space and the energy. I allow. We don't get this sort of regard in our ordinary day to day and it often comes as a 'shock' to the person when they find themselves opening up unexpectedly, finding something that has grown out of all proportion inside themself which they hadn't even realised was there. It is as if a cloud lifts though often not before the rain - released as tears both of despair and relief and then hope for a future that is lighter and clearer. I love to be able to 'touch' people in this way. The energy is palpable and I always feel a divine connection as if our souls dance together, weaving their steps into an intricate new cloth from which comfort can be taken. It is the most special sensation, having a knowingness evolve and a new found regard of self and other that can be carried out into the world of the mundane. |